What is Classical Christian Education?

Delaware Valley Classical School is a private K-12 school rooted in the historic Christian faith, seeking to cultivate thinking, articulate students who reason well, work with excellence, and communicate clearly and persuasively. To achieve this, we use distinctive, classical methods. Classical refers to the classical era and influences of the Greco-Romans, who shaped Western civilization. Since the Middle Ages, the greatest thinkers and innovators have been classically educated, including Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglas, Susan B. Anthony, and C.S. Lewis. Classical Christian education is unique in that it seeks to faithfully restore the most proven form of education ever developed.

Three Stages of Learning

Classical education uses a three-stage framework for learning all subjects, known as the Trivium. The three phases of the Trivium are Grammar, the nature of a subject; Logic, disciplined thought and reason; and Rhetoric, the art of persuasion. The stages of the Trivium build upon one another so that one must master the grammar of a subject before being able to critically think through the subject, and only after knowledge and rational evaluation is one able to persuade others on the matter. DVCS students master these disciplined phases of learning so that they do not fall into the cultural trap of jumping straight to sharing uninformed, unevaluated opinions. These methods of dealing with subjects follow the biblical pattern of learning (Proverbs 24:3-4) which encourages mastery and progression of knowledge to understanding and finally, to wisdom. Mastering the art of Trivium learning equips our students with the skills necessary to become lifetime learners and humble leaders wherever God’s path takes them.

DVCS emphasizes each phase of the Trivium according to the grain of a child’s development:

  • Grammar Stage (K-6th Grade): Inquisitive elementary-aged students gain knowledge first through discovery, imitation, memorization, and recitation.
  • Logic Stage (7-8th Grade): As students mature and naturally become more argumentative, we equip them with logic and reasoning skills to create informed conclusions.
  • Rhetoric Stage (9-12th Grade): As students mature into the high school years and desire to express themselves, we teach them how to persuasively and eloquently express their ideas.

DVCS Distinctives

We exalt Christ as Lord. Proverbs 9:10 tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” At DVCS, we know that if education does not stand upon the firm foundation of biblical truth, the best results we can hope for are graduates who are well-read fools.

Educational trends come and go, but the classical Christian education offered at DVCS is time-tested. Classical Christian education was the means of education throughout the Western world for hundreds of years until the early 20th Century. We seek to restore what has been lost.

The goal of a classical Christian education is formation, not information. Along with parents and churches, we aim to disciple students who love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, preferring others above themselves. We seek to cultivate affections for the “good life” – devotion to Christ, deep intellectual engagement, appreciation for the fine arts, virtuous and wise living, and service to their neighbor.

By robust study of history and reading great works of literature, philosophy, and theology, our students gain an unmatched understanding of how historical events, people, and ideas shaped our modern world. DVCS students are formed by the Great Books (Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Dante, Tolstoy, and more) that formed the greatest thinkers of all time.

Classical Christian education is a liberal arts education whereby all subjects are taught as an integrated whole with Scripture at the center. Connections between subjects are made laterally (e.g., Bible and history, history and art, art and philosophy, philosophy and theology, theology and science) and vertically, as every subject belongs to God. These connections help students understand their education as purposeful and develop the mental habit of seeing Christ everywhere in everything – a biblical worldview.

We are rational beings created in the image of a rational God. Our curriculum emphasizes logic to nurture critical thinking. Contrary to modern education trends, classical Christian education holds that truth is not relative. Christ said to His disciples, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Truth exists and is discoverable. Our students are well equipped to critically evaluate new ideas – they are prepared to lead, not follow.

An education that prepares students to lead and influence their culture for Christ must be rigorous. Christianity calls us to fight against the base tendencies of the flesh. A deep, rigorous education teaches students the virtue of doing what is right in pursuit of higher goals. We know that students are capable of much more than commonly thought and will rise to meet the bar set before them. At DVCS, we set a higher standard to meet a Higher calling.​

Deep, rich learning takes time. Classical Christian education flourishes in a restful, unhurried environment. Our teachers practice festina lente, Latin for “make haste slowly.” When students transition from class to class, teachers sanctify the space by leading them first to center their souls on Christ, through hymns or Bible reading, before deep, unhurried subject contemplation and conversation. Our hope is that this habit of restful learning becomes a lifestyle.

We believe that the fine arts are a part of the “good life.” By studying masterful composers and artistic masterpieces, our students are formed by truth, goodness, and beauty, and become well-rounded individuals who love what is lovely. We are devoted to training students’ voices as instruments of worship and cultivating their unique God-given gifting – whether in poetry, drawing, painting, drama, or musical instruments – to creatively and confidently glorify the Lord.

Our students are set apart by a willingness to engage and serve. Seven years of etiquette training beginning in Kindergarten encourages manners and noticeable refinement. We intentionally nurture discipleship across grades, with older students modeling countercultural maturity to younger students.

Being the root of more than half of the English language, six years of Latin instruction (3-8th Grade) enhances our students’ linguistic skills while also providing a foundation for other languages, including two years of Greek (9-10th Grade) and two years of Spanish (11-12th Grade). Importantly, studying Latin and Greek also enriches our students’ Christian heritage.

Our teachers frequently use the time-tested teaching technique of asking challenging questions and directing important conversations to reveal eternal wisdom, known as the Socratic method. While seldom used in modern day classrooms, many law school professors still rely on this ancient, powerful teaching tool to hone critical reasoning in aspiring attorneys.

Our school is a joy-filled training ground inspiring wonder and delighting in discovery, all while being known and loved within a close, like-minded community. Our students are surrounded by beauty, often hear the sound of singing, and are taught by teachers who love their subjects and see the eternal value in teaching them to image bearers of God.

Technology is not prevalent in our curriculum and our classrooms are phone-free. Screens provide entertainment and distraction. We use timeless methods to train our students to be creative, critical, and persevering learners. Technology is incorporated thoughtfully with wisdom and moderation.

Our teachers reinforce biblical values, model mature Christian life, and delight in the subject matter that they teach. Whether in physical science or physical education, they use every subject as an opportunity to help their students grow in both intellect and virtue.

Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep.
-William Shakespeare

Good Soil

The Good Soil Report details a comparative study of alumni (ages 24-42 years old) from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (accredited classical Christian) schools, on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices.

The research confirms what history has proven—classical Christian education is the most fruitful, formative education. DVCS graduates are prepared not only for college, but for a life well-lived.

Click HERE to view the report.

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